12 Oct Is your Car’s Power Steering Acting Up: Common Issues
Do you know which type of power steering your car is equipped with? Will it surprise you to learn that there are different systems used in modern vehicles? Regardless of your vehicle’s type, it’s good to recognize when problems arise. A loose or tight-feeling steering wheel can indicate low hydraulic fluid or a faulty rack & pinion unit in your vehicle’s power steering system. Below is more information on power steering systems, their basic components, and how to spot common problems.
What Is Power Steering?
Since your vehicle’s steering system is vital to your safety, let’s review what it is and how it works. Your vehicle’s power steering system uses hydraulic or electric power to make it easier for you to steer your car, especially at slower speeds. Power steering uses the minor force you apply to the steering wheel and multiplies it through gears to help turn your vehicle’s wheels more easily. It also helps reduce the transference of road vibrations from the tires to the steering wheel. This gives you better control over your car, even when driving over rough roads. A faulty power steering system may create unsafe driving conditions and prevent you from maintaining your vehicle’s movements or direction.
Types Of Power Steering
All modern vehicles utilize some form of a power steering system. Engineers designed hydraulic systems decades ago, but electric-power and hybrid-systems are popular with vehicle manufacturers today. These different steering systems perform the same function for your vehicle, but they have different maintenance and service requirements because of their unique designs and components. If you want to learn more about your specific vehicle’s steering system, read your owner’s manual for details.
Hydraulic Power Steering
Hydraulic powered steering uses a pump (powered by the belt connected to the engine’s crankshaft pulley) to pressurize fluid in a reservoir tank. This reservoir may be mounted to the pump or installed close by. The pressurized hydraulic fluid is controlled via a metering valve and transferred through high-pressure hoses to the steering box or rack & pinion unit. When you turn the steering wheel, the fluid enters the steering unit through the valve. It returns to the reservoir tank (or pump) through low-pressure hoses to get reused again and again.
Hydraulic Components
Most hydraulic systems contain the following components. Each one must function correctly to maintain easy and accurate vehicle steering. It only takes one malfunctioning component to compromise the process.
- Steering Gear (Rack & Pinion Unit or Worm Gear Box)
- Steering Knuckles, Steering Arm, Tie Rods
- Power Steering Pump
- Fluid Reservoir
- Lines or Hoses
- Power Steering Fluid – Hydraulic Fluid
- Steering Wheel
Electric Power Steering (EPS or EPAS)
Electric powered steering uses a small motor and torque sensor instead of a pump and hydraulic fluid to deliver power to the steering system. The electric motor and other components are mounted directly to the steering column or steering unit. They apply electrical assistance when you turn the steering wheel. Since electric types are not belt-driven, they don’t not exert a load on the engine, allowing more power for other operations and increasing fuel economy. These systems are also typically lighter and have fewer mechanical components, making them easier to service and reducing the vehicle’s overall weight.
Electric Components
Most electric systems contain the following components. Each one must function correctly to maintain easy and accurate vehicle steering. It only takes one malfunctioning component to compromise the process.
- Steering Gear (Rack & Pinion Assembly)
- Steering Column
- Steering Motor
- Control Module (EPS)
- Sensors (monitor angle & torque)
- Steering Knuckles
Hybrid Power Steering
Some modern vehicles use a combination of electric and hydraulic components to create a hybrid system. Auto manufacturers that use Hybrid systems may combine various elements from the systems discussed above.
Common Problems
Your vehicle’s power steering system is composed of many different parts, each one of them essential to the system’s ability to control your car when you turn the wheel. Should any of these parts fail, it can cause maneuverability and control issues, which can be dangerous while driving. If you encounter any problems outlined below, immediately schedule a diagnostic service with your auto technician to determine the correct course of action.
Vibrations While Driving
If you feel vibrations through the steering wheel while driving, there can be several causes. Do a visual inspection to ensure your tire tread has even wear and your tires have the correct air pressure. If there is still an issue, it may require a service technician to inspect the rack & pinion/gearbox condition, all the steering and suspension component connections, and possible wheel imbalance.
Leaking Fluid
Check the power steering fluid level after running your vehicle for a few minutes. If it’s warmed up, you will get a more accurate reading of the actual fluid amount. If you see drops of slick, dark brown fluid under your car, give it a sniff. If it smells like burned oil or burnt marshmallows, it might be fluid. When the fluid level is low, see if you can identify any cracks in the hoses or lines, inspect the pump for leaks, and look over the reservoir for damages. For a short-term fix, you can top off the fluid, but it’s vital to identify and repair the cause of the leak as soon as possible.
Squealing Sound
Squealing and grinding are usually due to issues with the belt drive powering the hydraulic pump. You may need to schedule a service so the technician can tighten or replace a slipping steering belt. If the belt looks fine, then the issue may be with the pump or rack & pinion.
Steering Wheel Is Hard To Turn
Whenever the steering wheel is hard to turn, chances are an electric assist mechanism isn’t responding (with an EPAS), or you have fluid restriction (with a hydraulic system).
Steering Wheel Feels Loose
Steering boxes and rack & pinion units use gears that allow small steering wheel motions to significantly change the wheel’s position. Over time, the gears wear down and can loosen due to low fluid, preventing them from operating correctly. Worn gears often feel like the steering wheel is too tight, too loose, or responds slowly to your corrections.
Power Steering Service in Ann Arbor, MI
No matter which type of power steering system your vehicle uses, keeping it in tip-top shape is essential. The service technicians at Ron’s Garage in Ann Arbor, MI, are skilled at identifying and repairing problems. Whether your automobile is exhibiting a vibrating steering wheel, leaking hydraulic fluid, or issues with the rack & pinion unit, we will get you back on the road in no time.
Schedule Your Service
Call us at (734) 961-4701 or visit our website to schedule your service today.