Auto Maintenance

All car owners should know that regular maintenance prevents more expensive repairs down the road. Having your vehicle serviced regularly keeps your engine, brakes, and other important systems working properly. When your mechanic talks about transmission fluid, fuel injection, brake fluid, power steering fluid, differential, and transfer case fluid services you might feel overwhelmed. Read on for how often auto fluids need replacing, how service...

A Windshield Wiper’s worst enemies are sun and the ice scraper. Wipers typically last up to a year, but if your car is regularly parked out of the sun, they could last longer. It’s time to get new wipers if you hear them chatter as they cross the windshield, if there are streaks across the glass, or if there are tears and/or missing rubber. Most...

There are a few "must do's" if you want your car to be prepared for the cold and snowy winter in Ann Arbor MI First and foremost is the battery. The average life of a battery in Ann Arbor is only 5 years, and just because your car still starts today does not mean your battery is in tip top shape. Have your Battery tested in...